
Overcoming Fear

Friday, August 26th, 2022

over coming fear


Fear is a normal part of life. It’s like an alarm that gets set off when you’re in danger. The fear then alerts your body to get ready for the threat, like an emergency room doctor who prepares a patient for surgery by taking blood pressure and breathing rates before performing the operation. But sometimes we don’t need to be afraid, because there are ways to overcome fears and become more confident in ourselves and our lives.

identify your fear

You need to identify the cause of your fear. Is it because you’re worried about failing? Because you don’t want to disappoint people or be judged? Or perhaps it’s because of a past experience that left a bad taste in your mouth, and you don’t want anything like that happening again.

Once you’ve identified the cause, ask yourself what would be the worst thing that could happen if I did fail? How will I deal with this if it happens? What coping strategies do I have at my disposal (or lack thereof)? And how will my life change if nothing goes wrong at all…and everything goes right instead!

take action

There are many ways to take action. You can begin by simply asking for help when you need it, or by setting small goals and achieving them. If you’re afraid of failing, don’t worry! Failure is part of life—it’s not going to happen if we don’t try anything at all.

If a fear is holding you back from doing something new or different, try asking yourself why? What does this fear tell us about ourselves? Sometimes our fears aren’t stopping us from becoming who we want to be; sometimes they actually prevent us from taking advantage of opportunities that might otherwise come our way if we weren’t afraid of trying something new out (and failing).

implement a healthy coping mechanism

Do something physical.

Do something creative.

Do something for someone else.

Do something for yourself.

Do something that makes you happy

You’ll feel better if you do something that makes you happy.

Do something that makes you feel good about yourself.

Do something that will make you feel good about life, the world and everything else in it: nature, people and animals; plants; animals…

when you do things you’ll be more confident and happy

You’ll be happier. When you do things that scare you, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and makes your life more exciting. You feel like some kind of superhero who can handle anything.

You’ll be more confident. It’s hard for people to admit that they’re afraid of something—that’s why most people have trouble admitting their fears are driving them crazy! But if we look at the world from a different perspective, we can see how many times our fears have actually been true: if I don’t get this job done by 5pm today…I’m going to miss my plane ride home! Or It won’t rain today so I won’t need an umbrella… And then there are all kinds of other scenarios where our fears come true even though we didn’t want them to happen at all. We might think back on these moments later in life when something happens again—and remember how it felt when those things happened (or didn’t) because then instead of being scared about them happening again; we’ll know exactly what steps need taken next time around so nothing unexpected happens again!”


We’ve covered a lot of ground here, but hopefully you’re starting to understand that overcoming your fear is a process—one that can be started today. We know it’s not easy to break bad habits, but the more you work on yourself (and by extension, those around you), the better off we’ll all be in the long run. And remember: our biggest fears are often just an illusion of what might happen if we take action and try something new!